Hume Lake




Hume Lake » Sacramento «

Love You Bruh.


July 27 - Aug 3rd

Who We Are…

Ripple is a para-church ministry based in the greater Sacramento area, that takes young men and women to Hume Lake Christian Summer Camp. But we do like to hang when we come down the hill too.

The word Community means: “a group of common people who were unified by where they lived”. Ripple is a group of common people trying to bring unity and togetherness…to center our lives around, and practice, the ways of Jesus alongside one another (we really like Him).

We’re glad you’re here. We hope we can connect, break bread (or pizza), and have some fun mixed with intelligent, courageous vulnerability…all in aneffort to be known, appreciated, and connected with one another.

So…Who’s in? Who’s comin to camp?!?!


Hume really helped me learn that being vulnerable is not bad but the exact opposite. Real conversations needed to be had in order for me to grow so I’m ever thankful I got to experience it… The worship and messages that I heard at Hume hit differently. My favorite thing though, are the camp counselors that we have. They all show us unconditional love and kindness and they walk in a way of integrity and confidence in god.

- Daniel W.

I am so glad that I went because my counselors taught me so much about God and the way He works in our lives. I couldn't name a favorite memory during the trip because every moment was the highlight of my entire year. Theres no faking how i feel about this Hume trip because it was genuinely one of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever had.

- Joey M.

While at Hume, I got the chance to learn more about the Lord and how he works miracles. Not only that, I got the chance to meet new people and hear their stories. I also got the chance to hear people preach about him who have experienced his miracles first hand.

- Antone


If you’ve never been to Hume Lake. Stop real quick and watch this video to get a better idea of what this is all about...

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